Monday, June 6, 2011

Let My Life Light Up...for You, Lord! (with video)

What is YOUR goal in life?

Did you even know that you have one?
We all have them...we just dont' think about them very often.

We have 'operational' goals--goals which drive us on a day to day basis:

For many of us, our goal is 'to get through the day'.
For others, it's 'to get our kids raised', or 'to get a better job', or 'to save money', etc.

Those are fine, for day to day goals...but what is your "LIFE Goal"?
What do you want to do with your whole life?

Many of us don't really think about those too much. We aren't aware of the power that these goals can have over our day-to-day existence.

The right 'Life Goal' can change your day-to-day existence in big ways!

When you know what your goal is in the 'Big Picture', it can dramatically change how you view the circumstances of the day.

For example, my Life Goal is 'To be so passionately committed to God, through my faith in Jesus, that every relationship and interaction I have is impacted positively for it'. I want my life to "Light Up" for Jesus.

I want my marriage, my relationships with my kids, coworkers, and friends to be genuinely impacted for the better because I 'bring Jesus' into those relationships. (Not that the others don't bring Jesus too...I'm just speaking of my own perspective.)

I believe that this matches up with God's goal for me...and it may very well be His goal for you too--if you are a Christ follower.

"So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering" (Romans 12:1-2)

My relationship with God, through faith in Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit has changed me in dramatic and powerful the end of my life, my greatest prayer--my overall passion, my Life Goal--is that everyone sees this and is impacted by it.

I want my life to "light up like the city burn for You in the darkest night, Lord"!

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