Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rise Today--Change YOUR World! (With ROCKIN video!)

I just finished a Celebration of the Life of a friend, Joe Dillon.

As I reflect on the kind of person he was, it makes me want to refocus myself.

He was a man who focused on Faith, Family and Friendships, and I want to do the same--in that order!

The truth is, though, that we can't just make that decision one day and forget about it after that. If we are going to be 'about' those things, we have to re-affirm that every day!

Joe did, I want to...what about you?

Here's the secret: I believe that God wants to change this world; I believe it IS possible...but it is only going to happen if we renew our faith (and submit ourselves to God, through Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit). Once that faith is in operation, I believe that the Lord will compel and motivate us to focus on our families, and to reach out and show love in our quality friendships.

With Joe, I heard dozens of people say things like "he never met a stranger--only new friends". He was that kind of guy...and that's why he had the impact he did.

I believe that God wants all followers of Jesus Christ to live that way. Jesus said "A new command I am giving you: Love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples--your love for one another". (John 13:34-35).

What would happen if all of those who are followers of Jesus really decided to commit themselves to living this way--'living beyond themselves', investing themselves in the lives of others, showing love, grace, and forgiveness to all?

I'll tell you one thing...many more people would pay attention to the Lord! Many more people would believe what His Word says! Many more would actually believe that "Christianity" is real!

It's easy to get distracted, to get stressed, and to get focused on ourselves and our own 'issues'.

But I don't want to live that way.

I want to be about "Changing My World" through love--Love of God, Love of family, love of others.

My friend Joe lived this out, and--by the grace of God--so will I.

Want to join us on our quest to 'change this world'?

Let's do it!

“You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27)

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